


2018-06-11 08:49:45 来源:尚为之家   浏览量:




Shenzhen Shangwei Lighting Group was founded in 2008, is a research and development, production, sales, service as one of the high-tech enterprises, headquartered in Shenzhen Qianhai Center. As a leading enterprise in the domestic second-generation industrial lighting industry, Shenzhen City is committed to the R & D and production of all kinds of industrial lighting lamps by adhering to strict quality management, applying new ideas, new ideas, new forces, and new technologies. And according to the market personalized needs to provide professional customization, for power, railway, metallurgy, coal, petroleum, petrochemical, public security, troops, ports, aviation and other industries to provide professional lighting and lighting design. On the shoulders The sacred mission of contributing to the development of the industry, Shenzhen Shangyi Lighting Co., Ltd. is committed to providing more cooperation platforms for its business partners, through lighting engineering, commercial lighting, and the establishment of a new business platform for international lighting. Determined to create a lighting as the core industry of the international group.

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