
上海海洋王照明工程有限公司诞生于上海黄浦,已于2007年9月乔迁于上海国家电力科技园,主要生产厂用防爆、专业照明系列产品,现为中国电器工业协会常务理事单位、中国防爆电器协会常务理事单位,中国照明电器协会常务理事单位,是中国防爆照明电器行业的领军企业。公司技术力量雄厚,拥有防爆、光学、机械、电子商务等专业的高、中级技术人才100余名,起草或参与制定了多个国家标准,引领着行业技术发展的潮流。公司生产的产品,代表着国内同类产品的领先水平,被广泛应用于电力、石油、石化、化工、煤炭、铁路、冶金、船舶、消防、市政、公安等行业,畅销国内31个省市和50多个国家,深受用户好评。公司生产工艺和设施先进,上海海洋王照明工程有限公司拥有国家驰名商标中亚海洋王。公司办公区坐落于上海国家电力科技园拥有建筑面积13000平方米,其中,地下面积1600平方米,厂区位于上海浦东新区三灶工业园,拥有现代化厂房五十亩。碾压、机加工、喷塑等关键工艺全部实现了自动化或半自动化,是目前国内同行业中规模最大、设施最先进、装备条件最好的制造基地之一。公司质量保证体系和实验设施完善,不仅通过了ISO9001质量体系认证,还在通过了国际权威的德国PTB认证及欧盟ATEX认证。中亚海洋王检查中心是经国家电网权威机构认可的A类实验室,拥有同类专业教授博士研究生,硕士研究生近50名。购置了分布广度计、高低温试箱、湿热试验箱、光谱分析仪、盐雾实验箱等一打批先进的检测设备,为产品质量提供了可靠地保证。公司销售和服务网络健全,现已在国内各省会城市和重要城市设立了100多个办事处,销售网络覆盖了全国,可以随时为用户提供高效、细致、全面、专业的服务。基于优质的产品和服务,上海海洋王照明工程有限公司中亚海洋王已成为许多著名企业的入网供应商品牌和合作伙伴,获得了国家著名商标,上海市知名企业,上海市3A级资信企业等荣誉称号。Shanghai Ocean’s King Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd was founded inHuangPu, and moved inShanghaiTechnologyPark of Electricity in Sept 2007. The product is mainly used as plant explosion-proof equipment and lighting project. It is also the Standing director of CEEIA and the Standing director ofCALI , the leader of Explosion-proof electrical lighting industry. Shanghai Ocean’s King Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd has a strong development capability. There is more than 100 technical personnel in our company, contains Explosion-proof, Optics, Mechanical areas. The drafting or participate in the development of multiple national standards,leading the industry trend of technological development. The company's products represent the advanced level of the domestic like product,is widely used in electric power, petroleum, petrochemical, chemical, coal, railway, metallurgy, shipbuilding, fire, municipal, public security and other industries,selling to domestic 31 provinces and more than 50 countries,praised by users. The company has advanced production technology and facilities. It got famous Trademark“Central Asia Ocean’s King”Corporate offices located in Shanghai State Power Technology Park with a construction area of13,000 square meters,and underground area of1,600 square meters,Factory is located in Shanghai Pudong New Area Sanzao Industrial Park,Has a modern plant 50 acres. The key processes have achieved full automation or semi. It is the largest and the most advanced facilities, the best one of the manufacturing base of the equipment condition. The company's quality assurance system and experimental facilities are improved. It holds approval certificates of ISO9001Quality management system,PTB certification and ATEX certification. Shanghai Ocean’s King Testing Center is an class a laboratory that is accredited by the national grid authority,with more than 50 researchers and equipped with advanced equipment. Provide a reliable guarantee for product quality.Company has a complete sales and service network,More than 100 offices have been set up in thedomestic provincial capital cities and major cities,can provide efficient, meticulous, comprehensive, and professional services. Based on the quality of products and services,Shanghai Ocean’s King Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd and Central Asia Ocean’s King has become the network supplier of many famous enterprises brands and partners, received the honorary title of China well-known marks, Shanghai well-known companies.
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  • 品牌名称:上海中亚海洋王
  • 所属公司:上海海洋王
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